Sound Relief Underlayment Foam is a double poly acoustic self seal flooring underlayment with built-in vapor barrier.
Sound Relief Premium Grade underlayment offers protection for all brands of applicable flooring. This padding provides a cost efficient source of underlayment for the installation of floating floors. Our foam underlayment products utilize the latest technology to assure protection while meeting specifications.
Thickness 3.18 mm - (1/8")
Size: 40" x 30'
Weight: 44
Foam Density: 5.5# density
Foam Thickness:.115
Compression Set: ASTM D3575-93 - 13.5%
R Factor: 3 per inch
Impact Insulation Class: ASTM E492-09 - IIC 60
Delta Sound Test Results: ASTM E2179-03 - IIC 22
Water Vapor Transmission Rate: g/100^2/day F1249 --- .066
Supplier | Forbo |
Shipping: Please allow about 6-10 business days for delivery of in-stock products. Please check with Green Goods to confirm inventory availability for time-sensitive orders. For delivery to Alaska or Hawaii, please contact us. Green Goods orders are shipped UPS and Fedex for quantities less than 1 palette where weight and dimensions permit. For larger orders, we use a freight company. Prior to checkout, you will be quoted a shipping rate based on your physical location and the content and quantity of your order. For large orders, we will contact you regarding specific shipping details.
Please inspect all products upon delivery. If any portion of your order is incomplete, incorrect or shows damage, you must make record of it on the freight Bill of Lading and contact Green Goods immediately. We ask that customers do not accept material damaged in transit as it will ultimately need to be returned. Damage claims past 30 days of material receipt will not be honored.
Backorders: All backordered items will be shipped via Standard Delivery service as soon as they become available.
Returns Policy: For most materials you may return new, unused products within thirty (30) days for refund or an exchange if preferred. 25% restock fees apply. Some materials are made to order (ex. custom cut quantities on sheet goods) and cannot be returned. Please contact Green Goods with any returns questions prior to order.