As most of you know COVID 19 has been affecting the world globally. Shelter in place has been affect in SLO county and unfortunately some businesses have had to close. While some changes had to be made, the Green Goods team is still up and running. Unfortunately, the showroom has been closed to the public since the shelter in place came in to affect, but we are still able to have clients come in on an appointment only basis. Our install crew and subcontractors are still hard at work, continuing to work on job sites, building cabinets, and working with clients’ needs to make sure they have functioning homes during this difficult time. Brian & Mikel Robertson are also doing what they can to help out on jobsites to keep things moving.
Zara & Christina, our two Interior Designers are hard at work at their own home offices still connecting and checking in with clients as well as keep designing regularly. In the down time when needing a break, they are finding things to do such as going on walks daily and cooking up new recipes they’ve found on line to practice their cooking skills and connecting with family.
We are fortunate that Green Goods is able to stay productive during such a difficult time, and we are thinking of our other local business as well. We are looking to help out anyone in need of a small repair or some minor work done on their house who may not have the means to do it, so please reach out and let us know if you need help with anything! We are taking everyday step by step, and will continue to do our best and keep working until any new developments from the government arise.
We hope all of you are staying safe during this time! For updates please check out our Instagram and Facebook and feel free to reach out to our designers if you need anything &
Stay safe
The Green Goods Team